Letter of the Week: Uu

U is for U Prints 
Link to Uu sheet


I cut a paper towel holder in half to make a U shape at the base.  We used this to stamp the letter U on our Uu sheet.

U is for Umbrella

We read books about the rain this week since we were talking about umbrellas.  Rain, Rain, Go Away is a board book that is baby and toddler friendly.  

Supplies needed for umbrella project: cotton balls, pipe cleaners, small cupcake liners (cut in half), markers, glue and tape.

Step 1: Glue cotton balls to the top of the paper.  If you're working with young toddlers, put the glue on the paper for them and let them stick on the cotton balls.

Step 2:  Have your child color the cupcake liners.


Step 3: Bend pipe cleaners and tape to construction paper.  Glue cupcake liners on top of the pipe cleaner.

Step 4: Use a blue marker to make rain.


This project turned out super cute and Mia was very proud of the outcome.  (Naomi lost interest after step 2. Since Naomi is so young (15 months), I never expect her to do the whole project.)

U is for Underwear

The Underpants Zoo is cute story about the different underwear all the animals at the zoo wear. Underwear Do's and Don'ts wasn't my favorite but both of my girls were captivated by the bright illustrations! 

After reading, The Underpants Zoo, I let the girls create their own underpants using chalk dipped in water.  I cut underwear out of black paper and gave each girl a cup of water to dip the chalk into.  

Naomi (top)
Mia (bottom)


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