Easter 2016

We had such a wonderful Easter this year. I learned from last year (see post) that I didn't want to celebrate Easter alone so we had Joe's cousin, Justin, Justin's girlfriend, and my friend Lauren and her family(who we met through preschool) over. Having all of them in my home brought me so much joy and my heart was so full at the end of the night.

Here are some pictures from our Easter weekend...

We walked to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt, which was so much fun this year!

The library had a fun crafts set-up for the kids.

The girls waiting for the egg hung. I love their cheesy smiles.

This all took place during Maxwell's nap time so he was pretty tired

until he could get eggs. He then found a burst of energy.

Easter morning was perfect. All of the pictures of the kids gathering Easter eggs turned out blurry because they were zipping around the house...it was pretty fun.

Everyone was up super early (big surprise) so were able to go to the 1st service at church, which was great so I could get home to prepare our Easter meal.

I decided it was finally time to invest in a white tablecloth and cloth napkins and I'm so glad that I did because I loved how the table turned out.

The kids had their own table and Maxwell insisted on sitting with the big girls.

After dinner, the kids searched for eggs in the backyard.

These girls are such sweet friends. I am so thankful for all of the friends that we have made in Seattle and am so glad that Justin lives so close because it is so nice to be surrounded by friends and family on Holidays.


Adventures in Seattle: Discovery Park Beach

A little over a week ago, the kids and I went to Discovery Park Beach. It was the perfect (almost) spring beach day-the sun was shining and the tide was out.

This little bit of paradise is just over a mile from our house and it is the most peaceful place.

Whenever I'm at the beach, I feel God's presence and am so thankful God brought us to Seattle.

Seeing my kids run around and explore, chase crabs, and dig up sea shells makes me so happy

These last couple of weeks have been a little difficult in terms of trying to figure out if this city is where we want to raise our family. The culture here is a little different then we're used to.

I think it's okay that we don't know where we want to be forever.

Even though I miss family and friends, if we left Seattle tomorrow, I would be sad. This is the only home that Maxwell has ever known. My girls are so used to the rain, that they cry when the sun is too bright.

Going to the beach a little over a week ago reminded me that everything is going to be alright.

Even if this city isn't full of Christians, it's definitely full of God's beauty and a lot of wonderful people who will hopefully one day get to know the Creator of it all.

My husband and I both have our dream jobs and 3 amazing kiddos... 

life is good (especially when we get to spend our days at the beach).


Scenes from February

Apparently, I took an abundance of pictures in February. I even excluded some to do in a separate post because I didn't want this to be too long. February was a great month. I really focused on getting organized, which helped me a ton (these past couple weeks I have been struggling with organization and really struggling just getting the everyday tasks done, but thankfully it's the weekend and I can start fresh on Monday). We saw the first signs of spring this month with lots of trees and plants blooming. Springtime in Seattle is a beautiful sight.

We drove 30 min to the nearest Chick-Fil-A at the beginning of the month for a family date. Even though there wasn't a play area, the girls were excited for the ice cream cones.

I've been loving snapping pictures of my girls sleeping lately. I've also been trying to really celebrate how for we've come in our bedtime routine. Bedtime used to be awful around here and now it's super smooth.

We don't do a lot of TV watching over here so when the TV is on, it's a big deal. Maxwell LOVED watching the Superbowl and cheering for the Broncos (he did spend the first 2.5weeks of his life in CO). : )

We had our first beach day of the year and it was so wonderful. 

Maxwell became quite the artist this month. He loves doing art while his sisters are crafting/learning at the table.

Naomi loves gathering. She found these rocks in the backyard. EEK!

Mia and I hosted a Valentines Day Brunch while Joe and Naomi were in AZ. It was fun to have some special time with our friends.

I think Maxwell was mad that nobody his age came over.

We started learning trays this month, which has helped keep me with planning educational activities for the girls.

And, we love dramatic play so we set up our very own Animal Hospital.

We also hosted a play date for our Preschool. It was summertime themed for all of us that didn't go somewhere tropical over the mid-winter break.

Maxwell got to try his first Popsicle.

We renewed our Children's Museum membership.

It's so fun watching Maxwell play along with his sisters.

Sometimes we get pizza in the food court above the Children's Museum after we're done playing.

The kids found the Halloween costumes and had a ton of fun dressing up. We were all laughing at how serious Max was as he wore the costumes.

Naomi had a great month at school. These are some pictures from her teacher.

Spring is in the air...

My favorite thing about these posts are recapping everything from the month. Some days feel like survival mode, but seeing all of these pictures makes my heart burst with joy. 


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