
For the first time this pregnancy, I have been feeling really good!  My big project this week has been getting Mia's big girl room ready.  We want her new room to be really special and exciting since the new baby will be taking over her old stuff. I'm so nervous to transition her to a toddler bed, but hopefully it'll be a smooth adjustment.  

I sanded and painted this old dresser (this is the before picture).  It looked a lot worse in person. I just ordered some knobs from Etsy that will match her bedding. 

 Joe told me I had to wear a mask while using this sander.  I thought I looked pretty cool.

Here is the felt board I made for Mia's new room!  I'm really excited about it.  We have been focusing on colors lately and Mia loves real pictures, so I bought this bulletin board kit, laminated all of the pieces and attached felt to the back of each one.  I feel like the possibilities are endless with felt boards and I'm so excited to create more felt pieces to use and teach with.

Here is a sneak peek at Mia's reading area in her new room.

This is an easy little project I recently made for Mia.  I filled an egg carton with plastic Easter eggs and cut out matching felt "over easy" eggs to go inside.  Here is the link from the website where I got the idea...

As we are working on identifying colors, we are also focusing on sorting/matching colors.  Mia loved opening the eggs and finding the surprise inside.  This kept her attention for quite awhile

Here are some pictures of my little cutie pie...   (she got the wings and cowgirl hat from great grandma and great grandpa Esteb for Easter and didn't want to take them off.)


31 Weeks

Dear baby girl,

Mommy has been having a hard time sleeping at night.  Either, I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep or I'm just restless and spend a good portion of the night tossing and turning.  I guess this is good practice for after your born.  Based on your current activity level at nighttime, I think it might take a few days to teach you the difference between day and night.  Even though I  know I'll be really tired, I'm looking forward to our nighttime feeding sessions together; it'll be our special time with no interruptions.

I bought you some really cute outfits this week.  I wanted to get you some things that you could call your own (so you don't always have to wear your big sister's hand me downs).  I also got you some really cute shoes, I can't wait to see them on your little feet.  I just can't wait to see what you look like and what your personality will be like.  Everything is seeming more and more real as each week goes by and I'm am getting more and more anxious to hold you in my arms.  It's amazing how much I love you already, you will be the perfect addition to our family.  See you in about 9 weeks!




Last week was the week of the cruise.  Remember...the one I was suppose to go on until we found out I was too pregnant.  The good thing that came out of the whole ordeal is that my mom's ticket was already booked, so she still came and spent the week with Mia and I.  It was so great to spend time with my mom and Mia loved playing with grandma.  Five days without communication with Joe would have been rough without my mom here to distract us.  Also, one of Joe's work partners felt bad that I wasn't able to attend and said they wanted to reimburse the cost of my flight!  

 Grandma and Mia
 Mia with her new outfit from Grandma

While we were having lots of fun playing, Joe was enjoying Cozumel, Mexico...
 Even though he was kind of the 3rd wheel, he still had a good time.  

 I think this is suppose to be a picture of Joe and imaginary me. : )
 He must have been thinking about me giving birth while he was on vacation...haha
The cruise ship.


30 Weeks

When I was pregnant with Mia, I took a picture and wrote a letter to her each week from 30-40 weeks.  I am excited to do the same with this baby.  I hope both girls will enjoy reading these letters someday to help them know and understand just how excited we were for their arrival.  The first letter is a little late since I turned 30 weeks on the 18th.

Dear baby girl,

Wow!  I can't believe you have been growing in my belly for 30 weeks!  Everything seems so real as I feel you move around inside me.  My favorite moments are when you make my whole belly shake or when I can feel your little body pressing against my skin.  I'm not sure what kind of tricks you are doing in there, but it feels impressive.  Daddy and I still haven't come up with your name.  Naming a baby is a big deal and we have been researching, discussing and trying a whole bunch of different types of names.  We just want your name to be perfect and be perfect for you.  Luckily, we still have about 10 weeks until your arrival, I promise we'll have your name decided by then.  As your arrival gets closer and closer, I am getting more and more excited to meet you.  I just can't wait for that first moment when I get to hold you in my arms and we see each other for the first time. I will be praying for you to continue to grow healthy and strong and you keep on moving around because it helps me know you're doing well.  At our last doctor appointment you had a strong heartbeat and my belly measured right on track. I love you baby girl and can't wait to meet you in about 10 weeks!



Happy St. Patricks Day...One Day Late

Mia's great cousin Sara sent a super cute St. Patrick's Day shirt and green socks.  Mia loves getting packages and put the shirt and socks on instantly when she got it.  Here are some pictures of her yesterday sporting her festive clothing.  Thank you Goetze family for being so thoughtful and making sure that Mia is always dressed so cute!

My mom is visiting right now and Mia has been having so much fun playing with grandma.  Her and grandma were doing the Itsy Bitsy Spider in these pictures.




Bragging or Whatever You Want to Call It

So, I know that every parent thinks their child is the most amazing, smartest, cutest, funniest kid to exist. And, in my opinion, it should be that way. If you don't think highly of your child, who will?  Now that I'm a mom, I understand why parents of my kindergarten students acted the way they did.  I now understand why they told me that their child was advanced before I even met them and I understand why they wanted me to fill out recommendations for their child to be admitted to the gifted and talented school.  Even if these kids were average academically, they still seemed extraordinary to the parent who watched them grow from a helpless infant to a small person.

Of course I think Mia is extraordinary.  I do understand that the things she does as a 16 month old are probably the same things that 16 month olds across the country are doing,  but that doesn't make it any less amazing. 
As a proud Mommy, I just have to share how much Mia has learned the past few months....

Mia can:

  • Identify and name all of her body parts (including her neck and nails)
  • Identify most farm and zoo animals and their sounds
  • Count to 2 and count 2 objects
  • Identify and name the colors blue and red.  She hasn't quite mastered green and yellow.
  • Draw balls (aka. circles)
  • Tell me the title of her favorite books

She is also just started to put two words together.  Example: all done, red ball, bye mommy, hi daddy

It's just so fun to watch her grow and learn.  I love being able to spend all day with Mia so we can learn and play together...I am one lucky mommy.


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