
For the first time this pregnancy, I have been feeling really good!  My big project this week has been getting Mia's big girl room ready.  We want her new room to be really special and exciting since the new baby will be taking over her old stuff. I'm so nervous to transition her to a toddler bed, but hopefully it'll be a smooth adjustment.  

I sanded and painted this old dresser (this is the before picture).  It looked a lot worse in person. I just ordered some knobs from Etsy that will match her bedding. 

 Joe told me I had to wear a mask while using this sander.  I thought I looked pretty cool.

Here is the felt board I made for Mia's new room!  I'm really excited about it.  We have been focusing on colors lately and Mia loves real pictures, so I bought this bulletin board kit, laminated all of the pieces and attached felt to the back of each one.  I feel like the possibilities are endless with felt boards and I'm so excited to create more felt pieces to use and teach with.

Here is a sneak peek at Mia's reading area in her new room.

This is an easy little project I recently made for Mia.  I filled an egg carton with plastic Easter eggs and cut out matching felt "over easy" eggs to go inside.  Here is the link from the website where I got the idea...

As we are working on identifying colors, we are also focusing on sorting/matching colors.  Mia loved opening the eggs and finding the surprise inside.  This kept her attention for quite awhile

Here are some pictures of my little cutie pie...   (she got the wings and cowgirl hat from great grandma and great grandpa Esteb for Easter and didn't want to take them off.)


  1. YAY - Go you! :) I love the felt board too. I just might need to make one some day. :) I also looked at this idea on pinterest that you take an oil drip pan (it's like a giant silver baking tray looking thing) and it's magnetic and you can attach it low to a playroom wall and do magnet stuff with it too. I'll have to talk with you more about the simplicity of the felt to decide. I'm all about easy!! :)

    I can't wait to see Mia's big girl room when you're all finished. And I'll get to see it in person soon! YAY! I have a question about that bookshelf in her room. Since you're several months ahead - you're my "go to" mom. :) ha! (sorry!) So - I was gonna get Haley one like that with the sling bookshelves, but I read reviews and people said the one with the silky slings fell apart- and that the canvas slings were better. What do you think? Seems like it looks nice to me. I've been holding off on a bookshelf for that reason.

    1. The felt board was super easy and only cost around $11. I saw the oil drip pan idea too but already have a little magnet board from my scrapbooking stuff that I don't use. I decided to put the felt in Mia's room since I know she will be playing in there unsupervised and it just seemed safer and quieter with her baby sister sleeping next door.

      The bookshelf I bought for Mia's room was really inexpensive. I think it was like $30. I can't give a detailed review since we just started using it, but it seems like it should work fine and you can't beat the price. We have a really nice wooden forward facing bookshelf in the playroom that was more expensive but way better quality and holds more books. It's been worth the money since it's probably the most used item in our playroom. Let me know if you want links to either... I got them both on Amazon.


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