3 Years

3 years ago I became a mommy.  This little pistol took 3 hours to push out and when she came out, she pooed all over me. She was born on her due date but waited until just a few minutes before midnight to make her grand appearance. It's kind of funny how both of my girls' births are indicative of their personalities.  Mia has always had the most amazing smile and the most intense temper tantrums.  She has the biggest heart and knows when she needs to be helpful.  She really is quite intuitive and will tell me that she is too shy to talk to someone.  She is also sensitive and really values quality time.  She takes time to warm up to people and shuts down in unfamiliar places, but once she is comfortable, she shines.  She thinks she is going to school tomorrow because she is 3.  When she does start school, she will be every teacher's dream because she loves to learn and grasps new concepts quickly.  I wish you could all know her like I know her, because even though she doesn't exactly make my job as a momma easy, she is pretty amazing!  This girl will move mountains.  She might drive me crazy in the process but I have no doubt in my mind that she will do amazing things.  

These photos were taken yesterday and I hope they bring you the same joy they bring me...

Happy 3rd Birthday Mia Kathleen!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Mia! Mia and Cohen sound so much alike! As I was reading it, it sounded like you were describing Cohen. :) And I agree that I wish people knew them like we know them because as much as we try on our blogs we cannot capture everything. LOVE the pictures of her too. Miss you!


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