Mommy and Me Valentine's Breakfast

Mia and I hosted a Valentine's Breakfast this morning.  There were 7 moms, 3 babies and 5 kids under the age of 3.  We had such a fun time eating, playing, painting baby feet and making Valentines.  I think this will be a new tradition that I will do with my girls every year. (I can't believe I will have two girls in 3!)

 The kid's tables.  These table and chair sets are awesome and only $20 for the set at Ikea.
 Party favors.  Each kid got a bag of three different sized heart cookies.
 The mommies got a personalized bottle of homemade trail mix (can I call it homemade if I just mixed the ingredients together?)  Before I got pregnant, I was obsessed with Starbucks Frappuccino, which is where the bottles were from.
 I forgot to take a picture of the food.  Since I know my Grandma will be wondering, here is the menu:  strawberries and blueberries, heart shaped muffins (saw the idea on Pinterest), Valentine donuts (from a local donut shop), egg bake and individual applesauce pouches for the little ones.  
 Mia eating breakfast with her friend, Rebekah.
 Baby Liam...this boy is so handsome and melts my heart.
 Titus and Cierra enjoying their breakfast.

 Sweet Kennedy, who has mastered sitting up.
 Notice the hearts on the wall behind Mia?  She colored them and taped them to the wall ( I helped with the cutting).
 Making Valentines.
 Baby Bennett and his mommy, Laura.
 Painting fun!
 Tillie with her Valentine.
 Me and my little Valentine.

 How cute are these baby foot prints?!?

 Mia gave everyone their party gifts when the party was over.  She was so proud and so was I. : )

 Three little babies, all born within a month of each other.

 Mia loves arts and crafts.  Coloring keeps her busy for a long time.
Mia, watching her friends go bye bye.

I'm so fortunate to have such great friends that are also stay-at-home moms.  Today was a good day.  I hope all of you get to spend Valentines Day with people you love.  Don't forget to spread the love.  

I'm off to sanitize all of Mia's toys and sweep sprinkles and heart shapes off my kitchen floor. Then, I just may have leftover donuts for lunch. <3 Yum.

Thank you to everyone that sent Mia Valentines, she has them displayed in her playroom and loves getting mail.  I didn't get Valentines out this year, but we are definitely thinking of our friends and family that live far away. We miss you.


  1. Sooo cute. :) And too funny - we are buying the exact same table and chairs for Haley from Ikea. We are also buying the Toybox (apa), and easel (mala) with the roll of drawing paper for it. They are all kind of a matching set. Do you have those too? We just gotta drive all the way to Tampa to buy it so we've been delaying it. It's 2.5 hours away so we'll have to make a day of it :) Happy Valentines day~ Miss you guys and we'll see you soon!

    1. We don't have the toy box or easel. I did see the easel at Ikea and it looks like a good product for the money. Mia loves her little table and chairs. The only negative is that it's really light and will easily tip over, but this hasn't been that big of an issue for us. Miss you too! Can't wait until May!

  2. We don't have the toy box or easel. I did see the easel at Ikea and it looks like a good product for the money. Mia loves her little table and chairs. The only negative is that it's really light and will easily tip over, but this hasn't been that big of an issue for us. Miss you too! Can't wait until May!


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