37 Weeks!

 Dear Baby Boy,

We are on the home stretch!  At my doctor's appointment this week, I found out that I'm 2cm dilated and about 70% effaced!  I was happy to know that all of the Braxton Hicks contractions I've been having were doing something.  It's still not a super clear indicator of when you'll arrive, but I have a feeling it might be before your due date.  After my appointment, it really hit me that I'm going to get to hold you soon.  It made me teary eyed to know that sooner than later you'll be in my arms and we'll be a family of five.  This whole pregnancy has gone by so fast, I just can't believe it's almost time to meet you.

I finished up the last of your laundry yesterday and Mia helped me set up the pack and play for you to sleep in.  Daddy is planning on getting a mini-van today so you and your sisters can ride in comfort.  I love you so much and want you to stay inside as long as you need but if you're ready to come out, we're ready for you!  See you in about 3 weeks!!



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