Top Ten of 2014

2014 was the year of change for the Jones Family.  Several huge life changes happened this year: I went back to work for a short time, we got pregnant, we put our house on the market, baby Max was born, Joe got a new job, we sold our house, we moved to Seattle, and will be closing on a new house at the end of January!  This year was EXHAUSTING!  Things haven't exactly slowed down as we are trying to close on a house and get acclimated to a new city (only to move to another new city in a month).  I can't wait to have all of our stuff (it's currently in storage).  I think my life as a mother of a newborn will be so much easier when I have my rocking chair, baby swing, baby bath tub, etc...

My word for 2015 is ENJOY.  Once we get settled into our new home at the end of January, I just want to live in the present and enjoy life.  I hope nothing big happens and we can just enjoy mundane day to day life.  When we were at Costco last week, Joe mentioned that there was a newly engaged woman behind us in line that was watching our family.  Joe said he could tell that she was just dreaming about her future life, wishing she was at Costco with her kids and husband.  Joe said he knew the look because it was exactly how I used to look at young families when we were engaged.  When he told me this story,  I couldn't help but think of how lucky I am.  All of my dreams have come true.  Trust me, our life isn't glamorous and it's far from a fairy tale but I truly have everything I've ever wanted.  2015 is the year to ENJOY it.

Here are the top ten moments from 2014:
(click on the text to go to the corresponding post)

10. Starting Homeschool Preschool
9. Mommy/ Mia trip to Minnesota 
8. Girls Weekend in Breckenridge
7. Naomi's 2nd Birthday in Minnesota
6. Mia's 4th Birthday Party
5. Selling our House
4. Moving to Washington
3. Joe getting a job at Amazon
2. Finding out I was pregnant
1.  Maxwell's Birth

Happy New Year!  May you ENJOY everything 2015 has to offer.


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