Quarantine 2020

We have been following all the stay at home orders over here. Joe is the only one that leaves the house to do the grocery shopping and I've only left a couple of times for appointments. The kids haven't left the neighborhood since quarantine started. It's been fun having lots of family time but everyone is starting to miss their friends and getting out and about. Last night, Maxwell said, "mom, I want to go somewhere outside of our neighborhood. I want to go on an adventure!" : (

In the grand scheme of things, I think we've all handled the craziness pretty well. We have loved having our sweet foster baby with us, she reminds us all to stop and smile. Plus, everyone loves her cuddles. Yes, everyone has been a little more emotional but I think that's to be expected. Some days Maxwell doesn't get out of his pajamas and Naomi forgets to brush her hair but I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff. Some days are awesome and some days are hard. Thursday was a hard day. I'm not going to lie but I just kept thinking that this wasn't how the last months of my pregnancy was supposed to be. I couldn't wrap my head around 3 more weeks of pregnancy while navigating 3 more weeks of distance learning while taking care of a 4 month old. But... I'm thankful I get a fresh start each day because there have been way more good days than bad and I know that we're all in this together. 

Quarantine has been full of...

lots of outside time,


hours and hours in the sandbox,

miles logged on the bikes,

countless walks around the neighborhood,

some organizing,

chess playing,

lots of reading,

and learning.

Here's our classroom (Mia does most of her work independently in her room).

We've all become proficient with Zoom. The kids meet with their whole class and with their teachers each week.

There's also screen time aka mommy's break. ; )


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