34 Weeks!

We went to the doctor on Friday and you were quite the show off! When the Doctor was trying to listen to your heart beat, you were moving around so much that she had to chase you around my stomach. The Doctor and I were laughing pretty hard! The Doctor asked if ever get any sleep at night since you're so active. You only wake me once in awhile...Mommy is lucky to be a heavy sleeper! You love to move around; it's almost like you're having a dance party in my belly! I've been trying to capture my belly shaking on video but haven't been successful. I wonder if you'll be as active after you're born.
Mommy and Daddy went to our first birthing class on Saturday. We want to do everything to be sure we bring you into the world as safely and comforting as we can. Labor is probably going to be quite painful for both of us but don't worry, we'll forget all about the pain once your laying on my chest. I love you and can't wait to see you in 6 weeks!
Love always,