Maxwell is 1!!

Maxwell Theodore Jones
Weight: 21lbs 5.5oz (50%)
Height: 2' 5.5'' (40%)
Head circumference: 18.11'' (46%)
Clothes: 12-18 months
Diapers: Size 4
Shoes: 4-4.5

Maxwell is a busy little guy. Taking these pictures was quite the challenge because he really wanted to play with the camera and destroy his 12 month sticker instead of posing.

He isn't walking on his own yet but loves to walk while pushing things around. He has only stood by himself a few different times and it usually only lasts for a couple seconds. Although, when I was taking pictures today, he decided to try and walk in the middle of the photo (see below).

Maxwell is still nursing about 4 times a day and eats just about anything and everything. Even though he only has 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on the bottom) he can eat a whole apple on his own and does really well chewing all types of food. His favorite foods are: apples, bananas, beans, and oatmeal. He has also mastered using a spoon, which has been quite impressive to watch.

Maxwell loves climbing and riding his little bike. His favorite is when Mia pushes him around the house. He loves playing with his sisters and tries to be involved in whatever they're doing whether it's building towers or playing dolls.

Maxwell is so affectionate and regularly initiates hugs and kisses. He has such a mild temperament and sweet personality.

One is such a big milestone and it's been so hard watching my last baby turn from baby to toddler ( I have a feeling I'll call him a baby for awhile).

We all love this little guy so much and I thank God often for giving me a third baby because he has been the perfect addition to our family.

Here are the links to Maxwell's monthly posts:

Birth story
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Month
10 Months
11 Months


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