34 Weeks

Dear baby girl,

You are still a very active baby.  Sometimes, your kicks even hurt a little bit, but I don't mind, it just reminds me that you are growing big and strong.  I know I will miss your kicks and feeling your body inside of me after you are born.  It even seems as though you are already trying to play with your big sister.  Whenever she sits on my lap for a story, you start kicking. Either, you want her attention or you like hearing me read.  I do hope you love books because we read a lot of books in our house and I can't wait to read to you after you are born.

I had a doctors appointment last week and your heart rate was perfect.  The sound of your heart beating is music to my ears.  Also, mommy's belly measured exactly at 33 weeks, which is how far along I was at the appointment.  I hope this means you'll arrive near your due date.  Today I told your daddy that you will be here in about 6 weeks and it sounded so soon!  The next 6 weeks will go so fast and before we know it, I will have a little baby to snuggle and love.  Oh, I can't wait to see you, hold you and nurse you!  We still don't know your name, but I promise you will have one when you are born.  See you in 6 weeks sweet girl!

Love always,

 The wind blew just as Joe snapped this picture.  Besides the fact that I look incredibly tired, I felt like a pregnant model for a second! : )


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