35 Weeks!

 Yesterday was a big day at our house- I am 35 weeks along in my pregnancy and Mia turned 1 1/2!  We did a little 18 month photo shoot, which I will be sending out to family and friends.  I will also post the pictures online, but I'm going to wait until after Mia's 18 month appointment on Tuesday.  Here is one picture to hold you over...

Dear Sweet Girl,

Mommy started getting lots of things ready for you this week.  I did a deep clean of your room and I also washed all of the pieces to your car seat so it looks brand new.  I even started packing my bag for the hospital per Daddy's request.  I have a feeling you'll be early but you need to wait at least 3 more weeks to make sure you're strong and healthy.  This past week I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, which are just practice contractions but still make me realize that we are getting closer and closer to meeting you.  I've come to the conclusion this week, that you're going to be long, at least longer than your big sister.  When I was pregnant the first time, kicks and jabs were never really painful or startling, but yours are quite powerful.  Being that your sister was only 18.5 in at birth and according to my baby book, you could already be 20 in long, I'm guessing you'll be at least 20 in long when you are born.  I know that once you are born, I'll miss feeling your little feet poking through my stomach, so keep kicking and stretching.  Feeling your movement is one of the best feelings ever. I hope one day you get to experience what it's like to have a baby growing inside of you.  I love you sweet girl and can't wait to meet you in about 5 weeks!

Love always,


  1. Nesting!! She'll be here soon! We're all very excited!

  2. I'm so excited for her to arrive and can't believe that she will be here soon! I love the picture of Mia! That girl has some beautiful eyes! I Miss you all!


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